1969 Renault Mars II EFP

Allt övrigt relaterat till Tjorven eller motorhobbyn.
Inlägg: 1665
Blev medlem: 31 okt 2009 14:53
Ort: Moheda

1969 Renault Mars II EFP

Inlägg av HKC616 »

Samtida med Mars Electric van (Tjorven) byggda av Electric Fuel Propulsion i Michigan.
1969 DAF Kalmar EFP Mars II Electric Van Factory Photo2.jpg
1969 DAF Kalmar EFP Mars II Electric Van Factory Photo1.jpg
Detta (bild nedan) är förmodligen det enda exemplaret i Sverige och registrerades redan 1968-02-28 på Statens Vattenfallsverk i Stockholm och ägs sedan 1979-06-05 av en man i Falun. Intressant då det finns en möjlighet att det kanske även kan finnas/ha funnits en eltjorven från EFP i Sverige?
Anledningen till detta inlägg är en annons som uppmärksammats av en Amerikansk facebooksida. Här nedan följer lite information som delvis var ny för mig.

Long Before Tesla: 1969 Mars II Electric

It’s no secret that electric cars are nothing new, but we tend to think that there was a vast gulf between the electric broughams of the early days of automobility and the advent of the modern electric era with the GM EV1 in the 1990s. While it’s true that major automakers weren’t doing much with the technology in the meantime, individuals, universities and research labs, and entrepreneurs continued to tinker with emissions-free cars. One such company was the Electric Fuel Propulsion Corporation, which built this Renault-based Mars II EV in 1969. Now it’s available on eBay out of Falun, Sweden.

This little number has been in a barn since 1975 and, remarkably, it still runs and drives, although it needs some minor brake work. The Mars II—based on a Renault R-10, while the Mars I was Dauphine-based—was capable of speeds up to 60 MPH with a claimed range of 70-120 miles per charge. Its lead cobalt batteries, managed via a mechanical controller board, could regain 80% capacity in 46 minutes of charging, and like modern hybrids and EVs, it boasted regenerative brakes.
The Electric Fuel Propulsion Corp. was serious about electric cars, working with Holiday Inn to create a chain of five charging stations connecting Chicago and Detroit, the “Electric Car Expressway” touted on the sign in the period publicity photo above. Nevertheless, production was very limited; while the eBay listing for this car claims production of 115 Mars IIs, another site indicates that number may be as low as 42. After the two Mars Renaults, EFP built a series of AMC-based prototypes. Many other companies used Renaults as the basis for electric conversions as well, most famously the Dauphine-derived Henney Kilowatt and the LeCar-based Lectric Leopard—and, well, Renault, which is displaying its own electric R5 from its historic collections at the Paris Motor Show right this very minute.
So this Mars II is a rare and neat bit of electric car history, and it’s really incredible that it’s still fully functional.

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Inlägg: 1665
Blev medlem: 31 okt 2009 14:53
Ort: Moheda

Re: 1969 Renault Mars II EFP

Inlägg av HKC616 »

Den såldes för övrigt på ebay igår, registreringsnummer: BNM406.
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Namn: Fredrik Nilsson
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DMO190 fd GMJ210
OHD14W fd DAZ225
50687 fd ELJ330
52091 fd DCC735
EOL256 fd FUS171
51800 fd DCC844-skrotad
51782 fd FHL739-skrotad
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